What is the value of fire warden training?

Environmental Blog

Every company has to take fire safety seriously. While fires are not very common, when they do occur, they have the potential to be devastating to both your staff and your premises. Preparing for a fire must start from the time you move into your premises and must be worked into everything you do, including the provision of fire warden training for your company. Only then can you be sure that the effects of a fire can be mitigated or avoided.

Planning for fire safety

Reducing the risk of a fire on your premises requires you to think about the materials used in the construction of the building as well as the furniture and the materials you store on the premises. Think about what is flammable and what steps you can take to minimise the danger of a fire starting. These steps will include regular checks to ensure that your office electric system is properly maintained and that all flammable materials are correctly stored.

If a fire does happen to start, then your fire plan must move from prevention to containment and employee safety. In this scenario, you must consider what fire doors and other containment measures you should install and what fire fighting equipment you will need. This equipment will certainly include a working fire alarm system and various types of fire extinguishers but could also feature fire blankets and sprinkler systems.

In addition to fighting the fire, you must ensure that your visitors and staff have a safe way of leaving the building if needed. The fire exits should be clearly marked and the path towards them must be kept clear. In addition, emergency lighting could be needed to show everyone the way out.

Why include fire warden training?

You might think that fire safety is basic common sense, and much of it can certainly be learned without specialist training but this is not always the case. Fire warden training is a legal requirement and the training can show your staff how to effectively manage a crowd of people and ensure that they can all evacuate safely and escape from the fire. Fire warden training will also cover the correct use of fire fighting equipment and how to prepare a building for a fire so that the fire safety equipment is correctly maintained and all possible escape routes are clear and well marked.

To learn more, contact a trainer today.


25 June 2020

Erin's Green Environmental Blog

My name is Erin and over the past couple of years, I have become increasingly interested in environmentalism and the impact that humankind is having on the planet. My interest started when I saw an interesting documentary on the TV which outlined the implications of climate change. I decided there and then that I was going to educate myself. I have been taking steps to reduce my impact on the environment. My most recent step was to install solar panels onto the roof of my property. I am really pleased with this decision so I decided I would write about it here.